Sunday, October 23, 2011

New things to do together: Roni

I recently had this idea to start writing a blog. i figured that Corey and i have journalism degrees so we might as well keep writing. And what else should we write about but our first year of marriage. This blog will be designed to have an entry by me, then another by Corey kind of like back and forth writing in response to each other. It’s a way to give others a sneak peak into our lives and the life of a newly wed couple.
So my topic to start off with is FINDING THINGS TO DO TOGETHER THAT WE CAN ENJOY FOREVER... (it rhymes!)

Today wraps up our production of Proof, a play by David Auburn that Corey and i both participated in; Corey as the awkward grad student Hal, and me as the over stressed semi-crazy college drop out Catherine. 
We decided to audition for the play (well, i decided to audition for the play...) a few months ago. I used to be a active thespian in my hometown Chillicothe, OH and decided that it was time I get back into theater again. Corey and I have firm belief that a way to make a marriage last is to find things that we can enjoy doing together. So i suggested that he audition too. Corey is a very good speaker and has a sort of booming voice that I thought would translate to stage very well. 
Turns out, I was right. Corey and I got cast in the 4 person play. We had a lot of lines to memorize and it took up a lot of our personal time but I really hope it is something we can share together again. Theater and arts are such an important part of my life, that for a long time I felt as if there was a part of me that Corey didn’t know. I remember one time I had told him that in high school I played the piano and sang for our talent show. He looked at me surprised and said “Really? I just can’t picture you doing that.” I couldn’t believe he had said that! And for those of you who knew me back when it sounds absurd that the man I married couldn’t picture me doing something that was such an integral part of my life. Now, after doing this play together, I feel like Corey finally knows that little extra piece of me and it makes me really happy. 
Now if only I could get him singing...... :)